"Wrestle debt to the ground, determine if you can actually afford a house, and decide whether a side gig is really worth the effort. Get a job, buy a house, spend less than you make, and retire at sixty-five. That’s advice for a world that has largely disappeared. Even good jobs today often have no guarantee of stability. Homeownership is slipping out of reach. Meanwhile, student debt drags you down just as you try to take off in life. To survive and thrive in today’s reality, you need a whole new personal finance toolkit. Global News money reporter Erica Alini blends the big picture with practical advice to give you a deeper understanding of the economic forces shaping your money struggles and how to overcome them. Packed with concrete tips, Money Like You Mean It tackles all the basics: from debt through investing and retirement to starting a family. It’s the essential roadmap you need to make it in the current economy."--
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